Rejuvenating Recipes

Fresh Ideas to Help You Cook "Outside the Box"

The Andy Bar is a grain-free, sugar-free energy bar that tastes like a candy bar. The sweetness comes from the dates. The nutrition comes from the chia seeds, soaked almonds, ginger, coconut, goji berries, and a whole host of things you can add to the recipe. We've found these bars to be appealing to everyone, even those unaccustomed to a fructose-forsaking diet!


  • 1 1/2 c. soaked and dehydrated raw, organic almonds (unsoaked will work as well)
  • 1/2 - 1 c. pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, shredded coconut, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, or any other add-in of your choice
  • 1 c. chopped, pitted organic dates
  • 1 c. dried fruit of choice (we like organic goji berries and mulberries)

Andy Bar Ingredients

The idea is to have slightly more than 2 cups of nuts, seeds, and add-ins like ginger and/or cinnamon, and 2 cups of dates/dried fruit. I doubled the recipe in the picture below, using dried raspberries in addition to the dates, along with some goji powder and a little extra coconut.

Andy Bar Portions

In a food processor, process the dates/dried fruit until it forms a ball. Set aside.

Process the nuts, seeds, and add-ins.

Gradually mix in the processed dates/dried fruit.

Continue to process until the mixture sticks together. You can add small amounts of water (or lemon juice, if desired) to achieve this. Press into an 8x8 pan. Refrigerate for 15-30 minutes. Cut into bars.

Andy Bar

Our Contributors

"Let food be thy medicine 
and thy medicine be thy food." 

— Hippocrates