Rejuvenating Recipes

Fresh Ideas to Help You Cook "Outside the Box"

Homemade whey works as the perfect "starter" for lots of fermented foods. Fruit chutney, ketchup, and homemade mayonnaise all ferment quite well when whey is used as part of the process. I use whey to inoculate a mixture of lemon juice, sugar, and water to create this fermented lemon punch.

Fermented Lemonade

This is my adaptation of the recipe found in the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig.

  • Juice of 6-8 lemons (organic is optimal)
  • 1/2 c. sucanat or other unrefined sugar such as rapadura
  • 1/4 c. homemade whey
  • 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
  • 8 c. filtered water
  • A bit of fresh fruit like pineapple or berries for extra flavor

Citrus Juicer(I use a citrus juicer to make the juicing process quick and efficient.)

Combine all ingredients in mason jar. Cap tightly. Allow to ferment at room temperature for 2-3 days. Strain if desired and refrigerate.

Fermented lemonade can be enjoyed by itself or combined with homemade kombucha or water kefir.

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"Let food be thy medicine 
and thy medicine be thy food." 

— Hippocrates