Rejuvenating Recipes

Fresh Ideas to Help You Cook "Outside the Box"

Kids can have fun coming up with nutritious recipes of their own! Join 10-year-old Brandon Fabry as he prepares one of his favorite meals: a healthy salmon stir-fry.


  • 1 wild-caught salmon fillet
  • 1-2 c. chopped vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers
  • Cooking oil/fat such as expeller-pressed coconut oil, olive oil, butter, ghee
  • Herbs/spices such as parsley, Italian seasoning, oregano, basil, red pepper
  • Salt to taste

If using frozen salmon, pre-cook by baking, broiling, or boiling. If thawed, cut into bitesize pieces and sauté before adding vegetables. Brandon prefers to remove the skin, but feel free to leave it on and enjoy the additional health benefits!

Heat cooking oil in skillet. Add salmon and veggies. Season to taste and cook until tender. Drizzle with olive oil, if desired. Brandon enjoys this delicious dish with Bubbies dill pickles on the side!

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"Let food be thy medicine 
and thy medicine be thy food." 

— Hippocrates